Dilbert’s nine-points financial plan, revised for early retirees

Years ago Scott Adams, author of the Dilbert cartoon, was thinking about writing a book on personal finance. When he was doing the research for his book he realized that all one needed to know and do to stay in financial shape actually fit in one page. Only nine things. The plans for the book fell through (because, reportedly, no publisher was willing to endorse a one-page book) so he weaseled-in his immortal plan into this other multi-page book:

I read his 9-points years ago and just reviewed them to “sanity check” my plans and to see if they added anything to someone pursuing financial independence (FI), someone like me.

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The Seven Habits of Financial Independence

I am of course paraphrasing the very famous Stephen Covey’s book, method, movement, cult, etc.

As part of the personal development curriculum offered by my employer years ago I took a “Seven Habits” class, a week-long class I believe. I really liked the class, and found many concepts sensible and useful but, as with most such classes, I probably didn’t use much of it later at work on in life in general.

Anyways, I reviewed some of the concepts recently and realized there are many things that can be applied toward financial independence (FI).

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